Getting Rid of Candida Infection

Candida infection is a major cause of misery for individuals afflicted with this condition. This does not have to be so as there are now comprehensive candida elimination programs designed to get rid of the embarrassing symptoms and prevent them from coming back.
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What Causes Candida Infection?
Candida is caused by a fungus which has preference for inhabiting moist areas of the body. These include private areas of the genitalia, the digestive tract, the underarms and such other damp areas. The genital and the digestive tracts appear to be more vulnerable than other areas. 

Apart from participating in candida eliminating programs there are everyday measures that can help reduce wetness and prevent the infection from festering. This is especially relevant in the genital area. For example, wearing loose-fitting underpants made of cotton material rather than tight-fitting ones will prevent wetness in those areas. If you have been on a prolonged work-out for example, you should get under the shower as soon as you return home.

Other Preventive Measures
Reducing sugar consumption is beneficial for the body in general. It contributes to prevention of obesity and reduces the risk of diabetes. It is even more important if you are suffering from candida infection because sugar is a major source of fuel for candida fungus. Cutting off the source of energy to this fungus by reducing sugar consumption prevents the fungus from flourishing. Rather than foods rich in sugar, those rich in fibres will be more beneficial.


Antibiotics are often prescribed by physicians for infections but they are not meant to be taken for durations longer than recommended. Apart from the risk of developing resistance to these antibiotics, prolonged use has the effect of eliminating both the good and the bad bacteria, especially in the gut. Once the good bacteria are eliminated, the candida causing fungus which has the capacity to thrive in wet areas then take over and fester.

Lifestyle changes such as engaging in regular exercise, getting adequate sleep and avoiding stressful situations go a long way in enhancing the body’s immune system and the ability to fight against candida infection. Comprehensive candida elimination programs which incorporate all these measures into a single plan that can easily be followed until the infection is completely eliminated are now available.
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