Getting Pregnant: Effective Methods of Timing Ovulation


Technological advancement has come up with a modern, simple but reliable method of tracking physiological signals of fertility in a woman's body, even while sleeping. Ovulation timing devices based on this modern technology are incredibly accurate at identifying a woman's fertility window, making it possible to identify the 5 most fertile days of a woman's menstrual cycle. These modern devices are now available in the market.

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The traditional technique of ovulation timing by cervical mucus observation is less reliable than the modern devices, but the principles of the traditional technique are outlined below.
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Many women observe some kind of mucus every day when they wipe the outside of their vagina after urination. During the menstrual cycle, the consistency and amount of cervical mucus (a secretion made by glands in the cervix) changes
throughout the cycle.

Virtually every woman who ovulates would notice a slippery sensation while wiping at the toilet in the normal way. During the menstrual cycle, observe whether you feel a slippery fertile mucus, a non-slippery mucus or nothing at all. The important thing is to look out for slipperiness and cervical mucus that looks like raw egg white. 

The tiniest bit of fertile mucus is enough to give obvious slipperiness even if it is not seen, and this is enough to allow pregnancy to take place. If mucus is seen on the toilet paper, check whether it stretches and remains stretched.

Another method is to use of a home ovulation test kit. Ovulation test kits are used the same way home pregnancy tests are employed: you hold the absorbent sampler of a test strip in your urine and you see the result in a window outside the test stick. 

But if you really wish to increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly, you need to employ modern technology. You can get a clinically proven fertility tracking device that uses sensor technology to eliminate the guesswork around the tracking of the most fertile days in your menstrual cycle.

                                 Click here to get it


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